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Kawasaki Mule Pro FX

Traveling around on farms whilst filming and hunting was a concern. We couldn't have more than one person on a Quad due to health and safety. 

This meant fellas with no riding experience would be potentially in control of a bike on their own in challenging terrain, we felt they would be safer riding with an experienced driver but rules are rules.

 A quick chat to the fellas at Whyteline in Paeroa left us with the view that a 3 seat buggy would allow our best driver to manage the vehicle whilst our least experienced fellas rode in comfort. 

We could carry all our gear and dogs and run the buggy as a portable base station with charging for cameras and full comms setup with extended aerials and power.

Dogs, gear and 3 hunters travel with ease and comfort - plenty of room for all our gear too.

Winch-swamp tyres and a driver with a can do attitude means this machine goes everywhere.